The flipper tool is used to swap voices between spine splits. The tool is useful for correcting voicing errors when doing data entry. See also the spreadsheet interface for getting similar results, where columns can be swapped by copy and pasted between spreadsheet cells manually. The tool may will be developed further to allow for dealing independently with strophes.


Flipping all spine splits

Using the -a option will cause all spine splits in the file to be swapped such that the left subspine will be move to the right, and the right subspine to the left.

Given this example score:

Here is the result of flipper -a, where the top voices is moved to the bottom voice, and the bottom voice to the top voices (the strange orientation of the stems is a visible manifestation of the flip):

Flipping twice will return the data to the original state:

Flip control using *flip/*Xflip

Without options, the flipper tool will only flip regions of the score that are found between *flip and *Xflip interpretations. If there are no *flip instructions in the file, flipper will not alter the file (unless the -a option is given).

In the following example, only the second and third notes are flipped, and the notes outside of the *flip/*Xflip region(s):

The *flip instruction can be placed in either subspine.

Flipping non-kern spines

By default Flipper is only applied to **kern spines. To run on a different exclusive interpretation type, use the -i option.

Multiple subspines

All subspines will be flipped. Here is an example with three subspines:

For three subspines, the middle one will remain in place while the leftmost and rightmost subspines will be swapped: