Key command summary
s: Adding a simple slur
After clicking on a note in the notation editor, press the s key to add a slur to the next note:
Notice that a pair of parentheses to mark the start and end of the slur are added to the Humdrum data in the text editor on the left as the slurs appear in the notation.
After adding the slur, focus shifts to the slur, which will be highlighted in red, to allow for further editing of the slur.
a, b, c: Slur orientation
Slurs can be forced above or below the notes by using the a key to force above or b to force below. These two commands will be searched for in the Humdrum data as an RDF line in the form:
!!!RDF**kern: > = above
!!!RDF**kern: < = below
These two RDF signifiers, which could be assigned to other characters
(although “<
” and “>
” are typically used), are used to
indicate a forced direction on many graphic elements including
slurs. If above
signifiers are not found in the data
they will automatically be added the first time a forced direction
command is given. You can remove a forced direction by typing c to clear it.
s: Adding extended slurs
Typing s while editing a note will add a slur to the next note; however, the slur can be extended as it is created by typing a digit from 2 through 9 to extend from two to nine notes after the current note.
Moving slurs
Once a slur has been added to the notation, it can be moved around by pressing ←/→ to move the beginning of the slur forward or backward in the music, or shift-left/shift-left to move the ending of the slur.