Tremolos are represented in **kern
by encoding the individual notes
in the tremolo within a single beam group, and then adding a
tandem interpretation before the beamed notes that should
be converted into a tremolo.
Use *Xtremolo
to turn off tremolo conversion of beamed notes:
When *tremolo
is active, only beamed groups that can convert into tremolos
will be converted into tremolos. Other patterns of beamed notes will remain
Tremolos also work with beamed chord notes
Fingered tremolos
The *tremolo
interpretation can also reduce alternating notes into
Two-note tremolos also work with chords:
Unmeasured tremolos
Unmeasured tremolos are not expected to be played exactly as written, and function more as ornaments. Thirty-second note tremolos are often unmeasured tremolos, and can be encoded in the following alternate way.
The number of tremolo lines is indicated by the repetition of the letter O
in the token.
The line:
!!!RDF**kern: O = tremolo
defines the O
character in **kern
data to represent a tremolo.
is the upper case letter o
which means a generic ornament in
data. Other user signifiers could be used as well, but
using O
is useful if you want to categorize the tremolo as an
ornament like a trill.
Disabling tremolos
Tremolos can be disabled from notation rendering by using the shed filter. Add the following line to a file to temporarily disable tremolos:
!!!filter: shed -e 's/^X?tremolo$//I'
This filter changes both *tremolo
and *Xtremolo
interpretations to the
null interpretation, *
To preserve the tremolo interpretations within the data for later reconstruction of tremolos, use instead something like:
!!!filter: shed -e 's/^(X?tremolo)$/$1-disabled/I'
Here is the compiled output of this filter:
To restore the tremolos again, use this filter:
!!!filter: shed -e 's/^(X?tremolo)-disabled$/$1/I'
Tremolo filter
The tremolo filter can be used to add tremolo notes to a Humdrum
score that does not have expanded tremolos. To expand a single
note into a tremolo, add the duration of the tremolo surrounded by
markers after the note token(s):
Scores should not be stored in compressed tremolo format, as the
encoding is only intended to add tremolos to the score using
the tremolo filter. Here is the result of compiling the filter:
Two-note tremolos are encoded in a similar manner. Place the
duration for the tremolo only on the first note of a two-note pair,
surrounded with two @@
characters rather than one. Each note of
the pair should posses one-half of the total duration of the tremolo.
The result of compiling the filter: