A tutorial on how to encode beams in **kern data.


Beams work in a similar manner to ties. The L character indicates the start of a beam, and the J character indicates the end of a beam.

Try adding beams with irregular groupings in the first measure of the example.

Lazy beaming

VHV uses a lazy beaming system to beam notes together. Rather than specifying the beginning/ending of each sub-beam or beamlet direction, you instead indicate the beginning/ending of a beamed group of notes with the L and J characters (i.e., encode only the primary sub-beam):

Encoding a full description of sub-beams:

which is equivalent to this lazy-beam encoding of only the primary beam (the beam furthest from the noteheads):

autobeam filtering

The autobeam filter can be used to beam notes together automatically, based on the prevailing time signature:

Try copy-and-pasting the above content into VHV, and then press alt-c to compile the filter. This will run the Humdrum data through the filter and then display the results back in the text editor. Otherwise, the data is filtered before being converted into notation.